

William Randall Witherspoon: "At 49 yrs. old. I'm no stranger to working out. In the last 25 or so yrs. I've been in and out of the gym, one program to the next. The difference now is having Vicente as a trainer. My body responds differently at this age and requires a different approach than my usual w.o. routines of the past. Vincente took all that into account and personalized a program specifically for my body and goals. Not only am I getting closer to a my desired physical and healthier idea, I am having fun doing it. He pushes and encourages and the results are well worth it."
R. W

Peralta Pro Fitness - Personal Training Services

Zion Blount 
Occupation: Acting management. 
Nationality: Jamaican/Cuban
Fitness goals: Mastering the art of movement; power, agility, flexibility, concentration and self awareness.

"Outstanding master of his craft; incredibly bright with a treasure trove of health and fitness knowledge; expert in integrated training power strength and stabilization, warm spontaneous personality that makes workouts fun. Vicente motivates me to push past my perceived limits in kick boxing to get results. I have incredible energy, my balance and flexibility have improve immensely ... Thank u Vicente!"

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