
Link between multivitamins and cancer?

Personal Training Services - Peralta Pro Fitness

Vicente dotFIT Certified Is there any truth to the possible link between multivitamins and cancer? There was a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91:1268-72) on this topic that concerned many readers. We have reviewed this study along with others which have found the opposite or no association between breast cancer risk and vitamins. Also, other larger scale studies, such as the U.S. Women’s Health Initiative, have found no link between multivitamin use and the chances of dying, developing cancer and cardiovascular disease. This has been the consistent theme among years of research on multivitamins and cancer in general – no association...
Finally, the experts at the Harvard School of Public health and many others advocate taking a daily multivitamin and mineral for “great insurance policy,” and that extra Vitamin D “may add an extra health boost.” Here’s a link if you’re interested:


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