
Athletic Menu:

I am a 36 year-old slightly overweight male with low

A Positive Influence
levels of testosterone. I am doing cardio & weights to get fit. Is there a way to naturally boost my testosterone levels?

Answer: You are on the right track by adding exercise and losing weight. In fact, that’s about the only non-clinical/medicinal solution that has been shown to work.

Testosterone levels naturally decline with age but other factors can also lead to a decrease. Studies have shown that men with obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure may be twice as likely to have low levels of testosterone. Additionally, even if one is only slightly overweight, studies have found a link between waist circumference and testosterone levels. Men with higher waist circumferences had lower levels of testosterone.

By exercising (specifically weight training) you are on your way to boosting your anabolic hormone levels including testosterone. Losing weight may also move your testosterone levels to the higher end of the normal range. Although numerous websites contend that there are specific foods (e.g. protein, vegetables, etc) that increase testosterone levels, there is no valid research to support these claims.

There are many supplements on the market that claim to boost testosterone levels. However, very few deliver on the promise and if they do, you run the risk of changing many of your other hormone levels as there is a delicate feedback loop which the body uses to keep hormones in check with each other. In other words, one hormone affects all.

Eating a healthy diet to lose weight along with added physical activity will be your best “natural medicine”. Here’s a healthy athletic menu you might try. After reaching your desired weight, you should have your testosterone level rechecked and if it’s still low, consult with your doctor to see whether there’s any reason to seek medical treatment. 


Do Fit People Inspire Us?

Renata Bonar

Occupation: Actor
Age: 25
Nationality: Polish
Goal: "'Forever Young' - I wanna be forever young... in body, in soul, in heart and mind".
When I started out working out at Crunch I've had the support of a super trainer Vicente from the beginning. He encouraged me to change my own work out routine in order to make a change in my life. He is always right there by my side, not only talking about the working process of our body but also about our spirit that has to be connected. I really enjoy the camaraderie with him. Vicente is fantastic. He is a spitfire dynamo who will keep you motivated, dedicated and fired up. I have never met a trainer that can give such a hard and great workout while making it fun. Choosing the right trainer can make all the difference between success and failure.
Vicente helps you maintain a positive attitude towards fitness and the image of yourself.
Vicente is wonderful coach and mentor. He is easy to work with, a person who understands your limitations and is helping to achieve your goals in a positive manner. Someone who is very friendly and truly cares about each client.
Vicente is the key to unlock your potential. Enthusiasm, drive and heart... all the things that make a perfect personal trainer are all the things that Vicente has. 

Personal Training Services: Peralta Pro Fitness.com


Do Healthy People Inspire You?


Darrell Lauer
My name is Darrell Lauer and I am 72 years old. I am a singer ,singing teacher, and voice therapist. I have a hobby of playing tennis. I injured my left knee and had surgery on it a little over a year ago. The recovery process was very bad, much worse than the surgery for the right knee. I developed arthritis in the knee and was only able to walk at first with crutches, then two canes, and then one and finally with a brace. All through this period I was seeing a physical therapist who helped me but finally couldn't do anymore. It was at this point that I was thinking I would need a knee replacement. I knew Vicente Peralta through a neighbor, and my son began to take some training sessions to help him lose weight and be more limber. I talked to Vincente and he was so positive and encouraging that I began to take some sessions myself! After a few weeks of working twice a week with him and doing my homework on other days I began to see some more improvement. Walking, although not easy, was getting better. There was less pain and I gave up the bulky brace! Another few weeks later I noticed that I was walking further with less pain again. My strength was improving in my legs and I was less tired. Vicente encouraged me to go back to gently hitting tennis balls with a friend without playing games, etc. I began this process by playing a half hour once a week and now I have a second half hour with a tennis pro. Although I have further to go, I can see such positive results from my work with Vicente. He is the reason that I am doing better and better. It is because of him that I have avoided a knee replacement and have begun the road to doing something again that I really enjoy. I can not thank him enough for all of his help. He is honest and really tells you how you are doing and really believes in the importance of physical fitness and what it can do for you. If you want to see your self stronger, more limber, feeling more energized, then I can not recommend more strongly Mr. Vicente Peralta as a physical fitness trainer and post surgery rehab specialist.
Vicente dotFIT Certified



William Randall Witherspoon: "At 49 yrs. old. I'm no stranger to working out. In the last 25 or so yrs. I've been in and out of the gym, one program to the next. The difference now is having Vicente as a trainer. My body responds differently at this age and requires a different approach than my usual w.o. routines of the past. Vincente took all that into account and personalized a program specifically for my body and goals. Not only am I getting closer to a my desired physical and healthier idea, I am having fun doing it. He pushes and encourages and the results are well worth it."
R. W

Peralta Pro Fitness - Personal Training Services

Zion Blount 
Occupation: Acting management. 
Nationality: Jamaican/Cuban
Fitness goals: Mastering the art of movement; power, agility, flexibility, concentration and self awareness.

"Outstanding master of his craft; incredibly bright with a treasure trove of health and fitness knowledge; expert in integrated training power strength and stabilization, warm spontaneous personality that makes workouts fun. Vicente motivates me to push past my perceived limits in kick boxing to get results. I have incredible energy, my balance and flexibility have improve immensely ... Thank u Vicente!"



Peralta Pro Fitness.
A Positive Influence:
I am an athletic female currently using your ActiveMV, but my doctor says I need to increase my iron intake. Should I take an iron supplement?

by dotFIT experts
Answer: This depends on how low you are in iron. Often physicians recommend iron supplementation after blood tests show your iron is low, or to prevent low iron in certain cases such as blood loss from heavy menses. If your doctor suggested increasing your iron intake, did s/he suggest how much? The ActiveMV supplies 10mg of iron in two pills, which is plenty of iron for the average healthy athlete with normal iron stores. Since the recommended intake for adult women who menstruate regularly is 18 mg per day, be sure to also eat iron-rich foods such as cooked liver, red meat, lentils and iron-fortified cereal. The highest iron we offer is found in the PrenatalMV. It supplies 27mg of iron in one tablet. Ask your physician if this is enough. Some people need higher amounts of iron to make up for low stores in the body. For these people, we recommend iron supplements in addition to your daily multivitamin.

Halle Berry


Go Celtics!!!

"I am proud of Vicente for his motivational 
and positive spiritual work. Vicente is working small 
miracles on people's aching and injured bodies and 
that is a great feat. I wish that his message and 
passionate work reaches and touches more people in this world soon."


Link between multivitamins and cancer?

Personal Training Services - Peralta Pro Fitness

Vicente dotFIT Certified Is there any truth to the possible link between multivitamins and cancer? There was a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91:1268-72) on this topic that concerned many readers. We have reviewed this study along with others which have found the opposite or no association between breast cancer risk and vitamins. Also, other larger scale studies, such as the U.S. Women’s Health Initiative, have found no link between multivitamin use and the chances of dying, developing cancer and cardiovascular disease. This has been the consistent theme among years of research on multivitamins and cancer in general – no association...
Finally, the experts at the Harvard School of Public health and many others advocate taking a daily multivitamin and mineral for “great insurance policy,” and that extra Vitamin D “may add an extra health boost.” Here’s a link if you’re interested:


Nutritional Support


Should I eat before I workout?

Yes, you should always eat before a workout, but the timing and size of your meals and snacks will depend on your goal and how long you exercise. If you workout for less than an hour, you don’t need a pre-workout snack as long as your last meal was within 2-3 hours, Otherwise, your energy level may be low, your workout may suffer and you’ll likely be very hungry after the workout. Being overly hungry leads to poor food choices and overeating.
Use the basic timing formula below which can accelerate your progress in any sport and fitness goal including weight loss, performance and/or muscle gain. Try to space your major meals no more than 3-4 hours apart. (The pre and post exercise snacks shown below are not meals).
• Larger pre and post training/event meals:

– Pre-event meal to be eaten approximately 2-3 hours before your major activity

– Post-event meal  to be eaten approximately 1-2 hour following training based on use of a post training supplement as shown below
• Pre and post-training/event snacks: (nutrition bar or shake)

– Pre-training snack should be consumed 10-40 minutes before activity

– Post snack immediately after workout

• Note for early morning training:

– If you train soon after rising and have no time for complete digestion of a large meal consume only the pre-workout snack before exercise

Also Known As: Manolo

"I was a fat ass, but thanks to Vicente's stretching and training technique I am not a fat ass any longer!" 
José Peralta 


Weight Reduction

Name: Pauline Camarty

Age: 24 years old
Nationality: French
Occupation: Accounting Trainee
Fitness Goal: Weight Reduction
My name is Pauline, I started coach sessions a month ago with Vicente and it really help me to feel better in my body; indeed I choose to take some coaching sessions because I wanted to lose weight of course but also recover good healthy life.
But my main goal is to gain muscles and lose volume (thighs, arms and hips).
Vicente really help me for that, we are doing a lot of simple exercises very targeted and after a month I can see a lot of results.
It really motivates me to continue sessions with him!!

Peralta Pro Fitness



Brooke McDonald

"My first time running numbered 

in 4 years & my daughters first 

numbered race ever! I must say 

thanks to my trainer, 

Vicente Peralta, for getting me 


Peralta Pro Fitness-Personal Training Services... 

Inner Peace!!!



Vicente Peralta;
Believe it or not I was OBESE for a long period in my life but earlier at around the age of 7, I had been an athletic prodigy in my parents country Ecuador; where I lived until my late childhood. When I came back to America my parents feared my siblings and I being in the streets of New York City and this led me in to a sedentary life style until my early teens when my parents took me for a physical and the CARDIOLOGIST said; chronic heart condition and surgery was required, my mother cried from FEARING the WORST and I felt GUILTY for my mothers TEARS AND SAID TO MY MOTHER: MOM I GOT THIS. ALMOST 30 YEARS LATER I AM, THANK GOD, IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE AND AT MY LAST PHYSICAL MY DOCTOR HIRED ME AS HIS TRAINER... TO BE CONTINUED! Peralta Pro Fitness
As long as I've been in this profound industry,I have been working in all 5 boroughs of NYC as a Personal Trainer, Boxing Coach, Pilates Instructor, Body Sculptor, MMA Instructor, Pre/Post Natal, Pre/Post Rehab and I also specialize in Geriatric and Youth Fitness. After a few years of studying, trying and testing the systems of the body I began to magnify my understanding and started applying all 3 dimensions and the 2 systems of the core...
A Positive Influence



Donald Kollore;
"Vincente is an excellent trainer !! . He helps me with my boxing and my mind, body, and spirit goes to another level. Thanks a million, Vincente