
Power Outage (Disuse of the muscles)?!!!

Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle. When a muscle atrophies, this leads to muscle weakness, since the ability to exert force is related to mass.


Muscular atrophy decreases quality of life as the sufferer becomes unable to perform certain tasks or worsen the risks of accidents while performing those (like walking).
 Muscular atrophy affects a major number of elderly.

Categories of physical exercise:

Sometimes the terms 'dynamic' and 'static' are used. 'Dynamic' exercises such as steady running, tend to produce a lowering of the diastolic blood pressure during exercise, due to the improved blood flow. Conversely, static exercise (such as weight-lifting) can cause the systolic pressure to rise significantly (during the exercise).

Peralta Pro Fitness


Five Allergy Myths Debunked... !!!

In honor of fall allergy season, here are some other facts about allergies you might not know.

Myth: Kids grow out of food allergies 
Although it is common for kids to leave some allergies behind as they get older,
certain food allergies almost never go away.
Unfortunately, they tend to be the more severe kind: Peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish. ...