
¡Seguro que hablamos Español...!

Vicente E. Peralta
La haraganería se combate con la virtud de la diligencia o hacer el bien; producir, formar, crear, engendrar, concebir, originar, elaborar, descubrir, inventar, componer, realizar, trabajar, terminar, construir, emprender, fabricar, obrar, proceder, ejecutar, representar, establecer, acostumbrarse... Dios/Paz!


Professional Body Sculpting; ppf.com
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one" - Bruce Lee.

New York City Personal Training Headquarters

Professional Body Sculpting; ppf.com
Our hearts and prayers go out to all those devastated by adversity...!!! We are praying this verse of hope over them: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit." - Ps. 34:18 (or on a more physical note SWEAT IT OFF)...!!!

Professional Body Sculpting

 DOMINO EFFECT. - Ice Cream, Apple Pie, Whip Cream; Bad-Fat... Virtue, Character, Influencial; Fit...



Negative (UNHEALTHY) energy is just a perception (: a mental image). I don't believe THESE NEGATIVE SENSES (: a particular sensation or kind or quality of sensation <a terrible sense of DISCRETION - NO LOVE OR SUPPORT!!!>); the universe or people for that matter, conspire against us. Our own beliefs about it are what gives it power. Hope/Peace/Love/Pray...!!!



mind. body. family. society...
Definition of BASIC 1: something that is basic: the principal component of something; BASIS plural-BASES: fundamental (<get  back to basics>): bottom of something considered as its foundation: something on which something else is established or based: the basic principle (<the sole basic for the rumor is someone's overactive imagination>). Opposite; lack of MEMORY or PRINCIPLES.



Positivity is the valor or DEVOTION to SIGNIFICANT concepts or PRINCIPLES (VERY EASY TO FORGET)...!!!


Fitness review

PRINCIPLES: (Very) Easy to forget/hard to UNDERSTAND; ETHICS/BIOETHICS... Hope/Peace/Love/Loyalty/Pray...!!!


... Love my Spanish?

"Perspectiva-punto de vista, forma de considerar algo: Esperanza emocional
(pensamiento, carácter espiritual). [Persona o cosa] que prefiere la sensibilidad y los sentimientos con abandono de lo material: Perspectiva Espiritual: ¡¡¡GRACIA...!!!"

N.Y.C Personal Training Headquarters. HOME. GYM. OUTDOORS. ONLINE

Peralta Professional Fitness N.Y.C. Personal Training Headquarters
FREE-WILL-STYLES: Dedicated, Shallow, Content, Mature, Double-Minded (FAKE), Spiritual, Religious, Fit, Lazy, Fearful, Tidy, Sophisticated, Medical, "Player", Complainer, Gracious, Humble... Fate is yours!!!


Good memory: PRINCIPLES; such as BIOETHICS... Peace (CONTROL)!!!


Be just to your body!

Just; God of PEACE!

n.y.c personal training headquarters!!!
 Judge; easily bribe!

¡Seguro que hablamos Español...!

Manhattan-Place Health/Fitness/Yoga/Boxing/Kick-boxing...Club.

36th Street First Ave. N.Y, N.Y

¿tiene cita/hora?




Washington Heights N.Y.C. 

Love my Spanish? I do!!!

"Hipocresía: falsedad, fingimiento, cuento, disimulo, simulación, lástima, santurronería, doble personalidad: Que consta de dos elementos (El bien y el mal)! Lo que no se estudia es inútil (que no es útil para aquello que se expresa; Inservible). Dios/Paz!!!"

Spiritual... Spirit to all!!!

Joel Osteen Ministries;
Our hearts and prayers go out to all those devastated by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We are praying this verse of hope over them: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit." - Ps. 34:18


¡Seguro que hablamos Español...!

 ¡ppf.com. Ahora con traductor automático en español, inglés, etc...!


Power of knowledge (UNDERSTANDING).

Word of the day: COURAGE!! -- ability to confront uncertainty (mental/physical), intimidation, fear...!!!

Peralta Professional Fitness


¡Se habla Español...!

¡CUIDADO! - Comportamiento; Lo Que Vistes Y Oistes Al Crecer; Adrede, Sin Saber e Irresistible, Buenas Maneras De Obrar, Buenas Costumbres y Honrar a Dios sobre todo. Dios es JUSTO nos da lo que nos merecemos, andemos con mucho cuidado en su DIVINA GRACIA... ¡¡De Corazón por que lo más divino no tiene precio!!